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On-Demand Neuroprotective CPR

Neuroprotective (NP) CPR is a novel strategy for resuscitation after cardiac arrest that includes the triad of active compression decompression (ACD) CPR and/or a suction cup-based automated CPR device, an impedance threshold devices, and an automated controlled head and thorax elevation positioning system. NP CPR has been shown to improve preclinical outcomes. At present, NP CPR, when rapidly deployed, is associated with a strikingly higher probability of survival with good neurological outcomes versus conventional CPR performed in the flat position. Uniquely NP CPR works for both shockable and non-shockable first recorded rhythms. This session will provide both the latest clinical outcomes from a multi-site registry based study of the use of NP CPR in patients with out of hospital cardiac arrest by the experts and leaders in this field and a practical related to how to implement NP CPR by first-in responders.
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