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Trust-Centric Teamwork–On Demand
  • Enrollment on payment

Working together has the potential to exponentially increase our effectiveness as a team. How do we get there? In this lecture, we will identify some simple and practical ways to improve the culture of our workplaces by using a trust-centric model. The acronym PATCH will help attendees remember the concepts: Perfect (the verb, not the adjective: make those around you better), Activate (be a leader and initiate something positive, be the first to serve), Trust (the center of teamwork and the center of the word “patch”), Commit (actions do not depend on circumstances, you are bound to and have pledged to a course - devotion), Help (not just helping others but also asking for help – this takes humility and authenticity).
Learning Objectives:

Upon completion, participant will be able to identify enemies of teamwork in the current culture and turn them into opportunities for relationship building.
Upon completion, participant will be able to list clear recommendations and guidance to optimize teamwork under the spirit of trust.
Upon completion, participant will be able to outline simple and practical actions that can be applied today to improve the culture of teamwork.

This course requires a payment for entry.

USD 10.00

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