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Becoming a Person of Influence—On Demand
  • Enrollment on payment

The true measurement of leadership success is how engage, satisfied and productive the workforce is. The Gallup organization tells us that close to 3/4 of the workforce is either disengaged or actively disengaged. It is vital for the success of the leader to ensure we are becoming a person of influence to gain the trust to be able to inspire and motivate our workforce. In this class, Chris Cebollero will outline the components of how to develop as an influencer inside and outside of your organization. Leadership is all about the ability to influence others, if you cannot influence people you cannot lead people.
Learning Objectives:

Explain why the importance to influence others is important for a leaders success
List the elements of becoming a influencer
Describe how developing influence will engage and retain your workforce

This course requires a payment for entry.

USD 10.00

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