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On-Demand The Most Important Vital Sign: 20 Things EMS Can Do With Capnography

“Perhaps the most important monitoring tool prehospital providers can use” - end-tidal waveform Capnography - it isn’t just for respirations anymore. Using a simple four-step assessment technique, this program shows EMS providers of all levels how capnography can be used not only to confirm successful endotracheal intubation, but to evaluate shock in trauma patients, monitor for the return (or loss of) pulses during CPR, identify bronchospasm in asthma and hypoxic drive in COPD, to guide seizure management and paralytic medication administration, and much, much more. This case-driven session develops the fundamentals of capnography so that every EMS provider can improve the assessment, treatment, and outcome for their patients using the diagnostic tools of end-tidal waveform monitoring.
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