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Course image" Pharmacotherapy for the Resuscitationist. The Latest and Greatest Medications in EMS—On Demand
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Resuscitation of the critically ill patient involves a concerted effort with the utilization of potentially several ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Bridging the Gap–Ops and Admin Working Together–On Demand
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Using case studies from the Philadelphia Fire Department, this presentation will explore the synergy achieved by a ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Poisoned Apples—How to Manage Toxic Employees—On Demand
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Shiny on the outside, not so nice on the inside. Toxic personnel has the potential to devastate an agency. They hurt ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" We Can't Punish Our Way to Better Quality—On Demand
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Historically, organizations have followed the "name, blame, and train" model of quality improvement, and yet, we ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Sign Here: A Practitioner’s Guide to Patient Refusals—On Demand
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The most critical clinical decision a provider can make is not at the devastating car wreck or the witnessed cardiac ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" The Law and You: What You Need to Know—On Demand
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In this entertaining and informative session, Mr. Nagorka will take you through the world of the law and will show ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Managing Traumatic Stress to Build a Mentally Resilient Workforce—On Demand
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Course summary text:
The nature of work Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responders face day to day is widely acknowledged to be stressful...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" A Conspiracy! How Hidden Curriculum and Bias May Be Affecting Our EMS Learners—On Demand
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Course summary text:
Did you hear, racial minorities and women are less likely to be represented as EMS providers in textbook imagery than...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Don’t Sleep on It: Legal and Clinical Risks of Fatigue in EMS—On Demand
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Fatigue-related incidents are a significant liability risk to providers and their agencies. Nick, the EMS Division ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" How Technology & Data Can Help Prevent Injuries in First Responders—On Demand
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In the U.S., more than 1 million firefighters who work tirelessly keeping our communities safe. Firefighting is one ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Mindset Over Matter—On Demand
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Course summary text:
“Mindset Over Matter” is a first-hand tale on why a paramedic decided to leave her life in EMS behind and take on the...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Resuscitation Lead, Follow, or Serve as an Example of What (Not) to Do—On Demand
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Course summary text:
The AHA establishes BLS and ALS treatment guidelines based on the strongest evidence available. Because their ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Deep Dive—Ketamine: Old Drug, New Uses, New Concerns—On Demand
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Course summary text:
3:00-3:05 Moderator-Michael Dailey | Overview & Introduction
3:05-3:20 Speaker-Kristopher Thompson | The Continuum ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Instruction for Brilliant Documentation—On Demand
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Course summary text:
Documentation is the single most common procedure in EMS. Poor documentation contributes to adverse legal outcomes, ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Advanced Community Paramedicine Team Building-Diversifying Your Practitioners—On Demand
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Although Mobile Integrated Health-Community Paramedicine has been practiced for many years, few communities have a ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
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Course image" Are You With Me? Managing EMS Student Bias to Improve Health Equity—On Demand
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Course summary text:
Understanding how bias develops in all of us can lead to the possibility of managing student perceptions as they ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
Enrollment on payment
Course image" Implementing an Evidence-based Wellness Program for EMS Professionals—On Demand
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Course summary text:
The Goal of Public Safety is to support, “A secure and resilient nation with capabilities required across the whole ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
Enrollment on payment
Course image" Wake Up I am Tired!—On Demand
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Course summary text:
Sleep deprivation may just be the root of all evils when it comes to the safety of our personnel. Various studies ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand
Enrollment on payment
Course image" Time is Brain: The Future of Stroke Response via Mobile Stroke Units—On Demand
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Course summary text:
Stroke, for decades, has been a leading cause of both death and adult disability worldwide. The often-repeated adage ...
EMS World Expo 2023 On Demand